👋🏽 Hi, I’m Agustana. But you can call me Gus.
Welcome to HappilyGus.com, my teensy corner of the world wide web.
Here you can expect to find:
📝 Musings, essays, and short fiction
🏚 Home decor and renovation
🏙 RVA city living
🐍 Snake care resources
🏗 Construction fieldwork highlights
🎥 You can also find me 🎶 singing and playing 🎹 & 🎸 on YouTube

When I was little, I was certain I’d become a novelist. Then a veterinarian. Or maybe an architect. No, definitely a paleontologist. 🦕
In my youth, I trained pet rats and spent a summer failing to establish a lawn care business.

I sang in musicals and fiddled with the guitar and piano, hoping to accomplish another childhood dream of breaking into the entertainment industry.

After high school, I played rugby and sampled various degree programs at different universities throughout New England. 🏉
Eventually, saddled with student loan debt and a project car that I couldn’t afford to finish, I dropped out of college and joined the military.

🚢 I served 6 honorable years in the U.S. Navy, tinkering with communications equipment on land and at sea 🌊.
I played more rugby; learned how to paint- once for dust, twice for rust; and mastered the art of carrying everything in my left hand. #iykyk

Although I enjoyed my time in the service, change beckoned again. I went back to college…for the 3rd time…and labored my way through a civil engineering degree.
👷🏾♀️ Presently, I work as a construction superintendent- think knee deep in mud and math problems, perpetually ashy, and greatly outnumbered. It’s a challenging but satisfying career.

I live in a century- old row home with my boyfriend, his teenage daughter, and our pets- 🐍 Olivia the boa, 🐍 Jasper the ball python, and 🐈⬛ Screech the cat.

RVA truly embodies the slogan, “Virginia is for lovers,” and I’m so excited to share my love for this small city with you.

I hope that you’re able to find something of value in this digital diary of mine – a lesson learned, a hearty laugh, or creative inspiration. Whatever you get out of it, I’m forever thankful you stopped by.
💚 Gus